Circular Database (Excel)

With this Circular Database, we aim to inspire you through Sustainable and Circular examples of companies that have already taken steps.
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Tips for use

The Database DCBM is packed with inspiring real-life examples.  The database is full of cases where a circular or sustainable intervention has taken place, plus an explanation of what has changed.

You make a selection based on the type of Business Model or Priority Product Group a case falls under. For each case, you will see different fields of information, This shows different fields of a case,including the name of the company, the postcode, the description of the sustainable or circular change,, the business model and the website.

Please note that at the moment it is only possible to filter on the type of business model or priority product group. When this switches to the other option, set the other filters back to ‘No’.

Use of the tool

Business model type

With the undistribution around business model type, this tool assumes a classification of seven sustainable and circular business models:

  • Resource Model
  • Design model
  • Lifetime extension model
  • Platform (sharing) model
  • Product-as-a-service model
  • End-of-life model
  • Lifecycle model

For each of these business models, there is a description within the file. After each block, there is then a checkbox where you select ‘yes’ or ‘no’, to indicate whether there is interest in this type of business model. By then pressing the button (or at the bottom of the tab), you will be directed to the filtered list of cases.

Priority Product Groups

Another option is to filter based on priority product groups. Here you can think of different industries that a company or solution falls under. These priority product groups are:

  • Consultancy work
  • Biomass
  • Construction
  • Consumer goods
  • Energy
  • Plastics (chemistry)
  • Manufacturing
  • Mobility
  • Textiles
  • Food

Here, it is important that the choices of the other type of business models are all set to ‘No’, so that the list filters properly based on the priority product groups.

I would like to see everything

At the moment you would like to see the entire database, set all filters to yes.

Experimental maps & the portfolio of static maps

Finally, experimental maps have been added, on which cases are plotted. These can be found via the tab, or by pressing the button at the bottom of the instruction. This allows you to quickly see where and by whom different Business Models are currently applied in the Netherlands (based on the selected filters).

In addition, an overview of regional maps is also available. These maps visualise the data at different levels:

  • Nationwide;
  • Per province;
  • Per business model;
  • By priority product group

With these maps, it is easier to see where certain business models or priority product groups are scattered throughout the country. This Portfolio can be found at Circular Sources (under the name Overview of Regional Maps or the following link).


The Database DCBM is built from several rounds of inventories by students (Hanze and Saxion) and researchers, with quality over quantity. Within the current database, over 600 cases have been inventoried. Because the field is moving fast to achieve the Circular Transition, it is possible that a case known to you cannot be found in the database. Additions are always welcome, instructions for this can be found via the DCBM curation manual & fill-in sheet!!

The database is built on the basis of publicly accessible data.